Methods of nail trimming Only “scissor” type clippers should be used. Don’t put the dog’s whole nail into the clipper.Use a pair of small-sized clippers so you can hold the clippers better. It is only the very large dog breeds that will need a large clipper.Keep your tools sharp which means they will need to …


What are ticks? Ticks are tiny parasitic creatures that latch onto your dog's skin and suck their blood. Nope, it’s not a horror movie – it’s true! They are spider-like with eight legs and can vary in size between 1mm and 1cm. Your dog is most likely to pick up a tick in the woods, tall grasslands …

Diarrhoea in Dogs

The intestine through the mouth is connected to the outside environment so faces many challenges. The germs, parasites, poisons, and indigestible foreign bodies, ingested by dogs are irritants can cause diarrhoea, the most common problem of keeping a dog. Diarrhoea is not a disease but a manifestation of an irritant which body wants to get …

Heat Stroke in Dogs

The dog is a non-sweating, animal. Its thermoregulation is mainly, by painting. During painting the dog hangs its tongue out and licks water repeatedly. A very limited cooling also takes by sweating from footpad. If the temperature is high for long period then the cooling fails and dog body becomes overheated. The body temperature over …

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