7 Reasons your dog is better than your BFF

Friends are life, don’t you think so? And few of them are Best Friends Forever aka BFF. However, we can give you 7 solid reasons why your dog is better than your BFF. Check them out and smile.


1. Flirt

You won’t find your dog flirting with your boyfriend. He won’t cheat you. However, your dog might take away a little attention from you on a date. Thanks to his cuteness. *woof*

2. Borrow

Your pooch won’t ever borrow your shoes or a cute dress. But, there are chances that your new shoes could be chewed by your furball.

3. Let’s do it!

Your dog is always full of energy and is ready to play with you whenever you want to. You won’t hear that “Plan has been cancelled today” from your dog. But your BFF will do it at least once a month.

4. Low Maintenance

You don’t have to take your dog to expensive lounge or restaurant to spend time with. A walk in a park is good. Accept that your furball is not at all high maintenance. *Fans self with money*

5. New Friends, Sure!

Your dog helps you meet new people. Go for a walk with your dog in a dog park, and voila!New friends everywhere. Isn’t that great?

6. No more gossip

Forget gossip, your dog won’t even talk at all. No rumors, no bitching. Sometimes silent friends are best ones. He will snuggle and cuddle you when you are down.

7. Don’t be pretentious

You don’t have to pretend like someone you aren’t. You don’t have to smile if you don’t want to; you don’t have to go out if you don’t have to. Your dog won’t force you for anything.

The above-mentioned reasons are fun, but they help us understand that dogs are lovable and friend for life. They don’t believe in give and take. Selfless love is all they want. Shower them with unconditional love and they would be there by your side all their life. Tell us how much cooler is your dog as compared to your BFF in the comments section.

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